We are Cardano supporters working to build a strong, decentralized and carbon negative network for all. We believe Cardano will emerge as the superior and most decentralized third generation blockchain out there. With scalability, low transaction fees, smart contracts, NFT minting, Defi, DID, sophisticated consensus mechanisms, mission critical Haskell software and formal peer-reviewed science-based research and development, Cardano has it all. 

    enterprise grade bare metal hardware    340 run cost    2% margin     120k pledge


nodes run on 100% renewable energy


By staking with us you help stop climate change! We make donations every month of at least 20% of the pool's rewards. The entities that we support were chosen based upon the Founder's Pledge 152-page report which determined the most effective and transparent global climate change organizations, in short, indicating where donations will do the most good.   

We support the following organizations:

Coalition for Rainforest Nations

Clean Air Task Force

Eden Reforestation Projects

Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors

Tetikasa Ala

We are proud to be an Active Level member of the  Climate Neutral Cardano Group. We encourage all Cardano SPOs to join this important alliance.

Donations are tracked on this website for transparency. We also invest significant personal resources in our own independent forest regeneration and preservation projects as described on the About Us page. See our newest acquisition in 2023!

Help preserve the world for our children and future generations, keep Cardano green!